Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Ol' faithful six-miler

Third blog entry for today. Note to self: must get a life.

Six mile (half-marathon pace) tempo on the schedule for tonight. Thought I'd try out a route I haven't used for a while. It's a 10k route round the west end - starting from my old bachelorette flat on Hillhead Street. Since I've been getting a little lighter on my feet, I've been dying to try it out to see what time I could do it in. I remember the days I aspired to run it under 55 minutes. I think the fastest I managed was 55:07. Then I joined Garscube and got it down to 53. Tonight I completed the route in 47:58. Average pace was 7.48. Splits were 7.52, 8.00, 7.21, 7.56, 7.44 and 7.50...against a fierce headwind that seemed to follow me. Here's hoping it blows over in time for Sunday.

Home to watch The Fastest Man on No Legs. Thoughts anyone?

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