Friday, 29 January 2010

'tis me again!

Hi folks. I know, it's been a while. I'm always full of great blogging intentions, but somehow get caught up the day-to-day duties of the rock 'n' roll life I lead. It's just a whirlwind of working, running, feeding, washing, tidying, cooking, cleaning..and that's just looking after Sonic. Actually it would be more accurate description to say I just go round and round picking up things, but the place doesn't get any tidier. We have decided to rename number one son HurriCAIRN. It's an evil combination of far too many Christmas toys and a mobile child. I didn't even buy the bloody duplo bricks, but I seem to spend my life picking them up.

Well, since my last post, things have somewhat improved. The snow and ice and cleared and I have managed many good runs. I didn't moan going round a track (I was glad to pick up the pace) and was delighted to get back to averaging 7.30 (ish) for my tempo runs. My calf is still giving my gip, but it's definitely on the mend.

I've had two consecutive weekend of cracking long runs. The first (Jan 16) was with Jill and three of the boys from the club. Sonic devised the route, which meant it took in every nosebleed hill in the West of Glasgow. Let's just say his ears must have been burning. Quite happy to average 8.45, even though I was a few jelly babies short of a great run.

On Sunday there, I ran on the WHW with JK Blog, Sharon and David (JK's clubmate, who has entered the Fling). Pictures curtesy (well pinched from) JK Blog. (The last one makes me laugh, as Sharon and I look like we've been caught with our hands in the cookie jar!)

All in all I had a great run. Lots of peaks and a few troughs. My calves were ok, but I managed to bash my toes to bits. Amateur mistake really, as my socks were too thick for my trail shoes.

Now that I've got boring running stuff out of the way... Cairn was one last week. Can't believe how fast the year has gone. We took him to the Edinburgh Zoo for his birthday. Trust me, there's not much to do with a small child on freezing January day.

We spent the night at the Holiday Inn (next to the zoo) so took him swimming in the morning. Sonic had been to Hampden for a fitness test recently and was told to do some aqua jogging...

... I'm sure this is a mild form of child abuse :-)

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The plan

Even with the best intentions, I still have to rely on being injury free and remain at mercy to the weather. Although my intentions are honourably, the picture below would best depict my approach to training thus far.

I've had enough of shuffling about in the snow and ice. Apart from a few rural run (which have been most enjoyable), most have been on the glass pavements of the urban jungle. My calves have given up the ghost and even my jaw hurts from clenching in sub zero temperatures.

Last night I even went to the track at Kelvinhall with some (equally p*ssed off) Garscube folks. I know. Me? At a track? And, more importantly, actually enjoying it. Last time I was at the track I spat the dummy during the 20 warm-up of going round and round and round. I stomped off to the stadium seats declaring it was "f-king pish" and refused to join in until the reps. OK, not my finest moment but you get the gist of my track opinion.

I'm still working on my plans for 2010. Maybe because I waiting on the green light to start training for 2010. Here are my key races and races I would like to participate in so far...goals TBC.

February Jack Crawford 10K
March Balloch to Clydebank half marathon
April London Marathon
May 23 mile cateran trail + women's 10K
June WHW race
August Devil o the Highlands
October Himalayan 100 mile stage race

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Twenty ten

'Tis upon us. Feels like five minutes ago that there was the huge hype for the Millennium, doesn't it. Now ten years on, life has changed dramatically for probably everyone reading this.

This time last year I was the size of a small house. This year, after a month of over-indulgence, I only feel like the size of a small house.

2009 was a great year. The highlight (of my whole life actually) was the birth of my beautiful son.

Here's my year in pictures...

(Cairn was born on January 21, 2009)
(posing for his thank you card picture)

(posing for Valentine's card)

(First family holiday - Center Parcs April 09)

(Highland Fling April 09)

(Cairn supporting at the Fling)

(First post-Cairn race - Glasgow Women's 10 May 09)

(The baby jogger debut)

(Sonic receiving finishers goblet from the legend)

(Sonic and the superfast gibbering midget after the race)

(Family holiday part deux - to Rome - in June)

(Cairn in Rome)

(Cairn with his own finishers "goblet" for being the youngest embryo to finish the WHWR)

(cairn's first attempt at sitting)

(August 09 - Second lady in Devil o' The Highlands)

(Sept - Mount Toubkal trek in Morocco)

Happy Halloween - Oct 09
Nursery picture Nov 09
Merry Christmas Dec 09