Wednesday, 23 April 2008

One minute intervals

I always think the first mile can make or break you. Within the first few minutes, I was very tempted to turn back. Nothing wanted to work. Thankfully after the chime of the first mile, I got a new lease of life. Picked up the pace - aiming for 5k pace for one minute intervals. So, one minute on, one minute off. After about eight sets, it was hard to distinguish between the interval and the recovery. Unfortunately I went off the focus of the session and became more concerned with beating my time for the 4.3 mile route - which, thankfully, I did. Finished the course in 33.24. 30 seconds faster than my last attempt.

And just for the purpose of recording, my splits were: 8.31, 7.49, 7.37, 7.34 and 7.28.

On my cool-down I was greeted by the entourage of the Alexandria Jogging Network. Met Davie Hall, who commented on my blog last week. He's just run his first Marathon in London and is gearing up for the Balfron 10K on Sunday - after supporting (and possibly support running) on The Highland Fling on Saturday. There must be something in the water in the Vale. It's like an open-air asylum.

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