Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Going southside

Well, tonight's 8-mile was adventure. I thought I'd run from work and head over the southside - an unexplored running area fo me. Now, anyone with half a brain or even a subtle knowledge of the beautiful game would have checked if Rangers were playing at home tonight. Not me. I started out along the Clydeside - enjoying the still night and views of orange and pink sky settling over the river and bridges. I crossed over the Bell's Bridge and past the Science Centre. The rows of burger vans were a sign that I'd made a huge mistake. Running towards Ibrox - and trying to stay out of sight - a slightly intoxicated ned walked in front of me. As we collided his mobile went flying and smashed on the ground. I wasn't hanging about for the outcome, so it put a spring in my step. The abuse from behind should have come with subtitles. Something along the lines of "Here n'dat, doll. Wit ye aw' aboot?". Thankfully it was just after 6pm, but crowds were gathering. Of course they were walking along the pavement six a breast. Even the police horses were looking at me curiously. Once I was in the clear, I circled Bellahouston Park and passed Pollok park towards Shawlands. I started to pick up the pace, as I wanted to finish the last three miles a faster than half-marathon pace.

Through Shawlands and down through Middle Earth - more commonly known as Eglinton Toll. There was a group of neds loitering on tables outside the local chip shop. Can you imagine, al fresco dining in the midst of warehouses and bus lanes. It will be lovely in the summer, I'm sure ;-). I nearly knocked a poke o' chips out of a wee shell-suit Senga's hands as I past. My life flashed in front of my eyes.

Finished the 8.16 mile route in 1:07:36. Splits as follows: 8.23, 8.31, 8.14, 8.28, 8.16, 7.40, 7.50, 7.37 (average 8.16). I was trying for a more steady pace, so I've got some energy for tomorrow night's Garscube run. Of late, I've found that I've been giving my all on my lonesome Wednesday run and struggling on a Thursday.


Tim said...

Your account makes me SO glad that I don't live in the middle of a city! ;-)

Take care.

Davie Bell said...

It is only a beautiful game when Rangers are not playing;-)