Saturday, 30 August 2008

My 100th Munro

I finally hit the magic 100. I started Munro bagging in May 2005 with a leisurely jaunt up Ben Lomond. Having completed two marathons and various 10Ks and half-marathons, I thought hillwalking would be a breeze. Pah! I could barely walk for four days. Walking downstairs was virtually impossible. Thankfully three years on, my legs are a little more hill savvy.

Today, I bagged the other two Munros on Black Mount - Stob Ghabhar an Stob a Choire Odhair.

On the Aonach Eagach ridge. Probably just as well that we couldn't see the drops below.

A little misty?

100 down. Only 184 to go %-)

1 comment:

Brian Mc said...

Wearing trainers up a munro? Anyone would think you are a bunch of daft fell runners. Honestly ... :-)