Saturday, 23 August 2008

Groundhog Day.

Just an easy seven for me. Just for a change :-% Today I thought I'd go a bit crazy and stop my watch after a one mile warm-up and then time the six-miles. I've signed up for a couple of 10Ks over the next six weeks and I'm slightly worried that I might not break the one hour mark. Shallow, I know, but even my first ever 10K was 57 minutes. The result was I did the six miles in 54 minutes, at a relatively easy pace. So fingers crossed I'm not last. At least I'll get a PB. A Pregnancy Best that is. And boy could I do with some new (one-size-fits-no-one) race t-shirts.


N.D. said...

Oh man, I'm trying not to worry about my times for the next 6 months, but it will be hard. Just do your best and enjoy the course!

Clare said...

i'm doing my next 10k in 4 27 weeks pregnant...i REALLY REALLY want to go under an hour so i know what you mean! it could be a stretch at that point unfortunately....but i LOVE your PB idea!!!!! can i steal it? that actually helps a lot mentally!