Sunday, 24 August 2008

Another two Munros

Nine of us (and Merry, the dog) headed out on a rainy Sunday morning to bag the two Munros on Black Mount - Meall a Bhuiridh and Creise.

The initial ascent was tough. Very steep grassy slopes with lots of loose rocks. We later discovered that Sonic (who was in charge of navigation) took us on the reverse circuit route to "make it a longer day". There was almost a queue to push him off. Mind you, once we were up the ridge was pretty straight forward and the route down to the ski tracks into Glencoe made the descent a doodle.

The pictures are quite deceptive, as I only took my camera out when there was a break in a rain.

If you want rainbows, you've got to put up with the rain - or so Dolly Parton would say.

No Sonic hadn't fallen in the river. It really was that wet.

The Crazy German


N.D. said...

Looks like fun! Pretty pics too.

Brian Mc said...

I've wanted to go up the scrambley, steep side of Creise that sort of faces the Buachaille for ages. Did you go up that way?

Good to see Sonic is getting in some navigation practice. I assume he wasn't relying on GPS ... ?


Debs M-C said...

I presume you mean the side from Glen Etive? Nah, we went up from Black Mount Cottage. My heart's still recovering from the day I went up the curved ridge on the Buachaille.

Sonic used the ye oldie fashioned map and compass. And I make the lunches. What a team! I can only navigate round shops :-)

Silke said...

Thanks again for a great day out. We are still recovering. Nancy has forgiven us and even gave us a box of chocolate for getting her up there. That should really be your box of Thornton's Finest, but we will look after it for you. :-) Have a great time in Vietnam. Silke

Marco Consani said...

Brian - would have loved to take them all up the scrambling part from Etive but perhaps if I did they really would have thrown me off.
Silke - it was a great day thank you for both coming. It is a shame you couldn't make it this weekend.

Thanks everyone for coming and Debs for making me the most fantastic pieces as usual. :-)
