Saturday, 9 August 2008

An eventful day

Well, today is our first wedding anniversary. To kick off the romance, we exchanged gifts. I bought Sonic a pair of I-nov8 Mudrocs and an Icebreaker top. Ahhh the romance. And he got me a pair of MBTs (which I will discuss at a later point)and a huge bunch of lillies. I forgot to mention that we were exchanging gifts at 4am, as we were going to cheer on out buddies who were running the Devil O' the Highlands. We could only go as far as Kingshouse though, as we had to go to someone else's wedding %-) How's that for a first anniversary? I was only slightly miffed that Marco's mate chose today to get married.

The conditions for the race seemed great for running - cool and wet - but horrible for spectating. Although the moisture would have made the rocky descents trickier to maneuver. But I would have rather tackled that than the wrestling we had to endure with the pesky midges.

It was great to catch up with some of the WHW folks - Thomas, Silke, Davie, Brian, Ian, Allybea, George and Dario. And my live wire bessie mate, Sharon, was out for her debut ultra marathon. Sharon's has come on leaps and bounds over the past two years and she's trained like a crazy woman, so I held high hopes for her performance. Actually before the race I told her I expected at least a second place position. In true Sharon-style she went that little bit further and WON the race in an amazing time of 7:12. I'm so unbelievably proud of her. I think she'll be signing up for the WHWR next year. Actually Sharon and I always joke that we have to do everything together. When Sonic previously quizzed me on my future baby thoughts, I told him I'd check with Sharon. She must be looking at my expanding waistline with fear!

There were some amazing time for the boys too. The top five broke the race record. Jez Bragg was first home in an awe-inspiring time of 5.22. I actually met Jez before the race. I did know whether to shake his hand or curtsy :-) There were some other fabulous times from Thomas (6.34), Davie (7.02), Brian (7.28), Gail (7.31), George (7.34), Aileen (8.18) and Dario (10.45). Congratulations to everyone! Particularly to those who completed the unoffical treble. My aim is to get my fat-ass in shape for next year's race. Six months should be ok, shouldn't it?

I've got some pix from the race, which I will post when I get round to it.

click here for more information on the Devil o' the highlands and race results. I think I'll need to start a petition to remove the sound effects from the site. Everytime I open it in the office, everyone looks to see who's been shot.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Good luck with your petition Debbie. Last time anyone commented on the sound effects on the site in the site's forum, the forum got pulled (never to return)!

Happy anniversary. When can we expect more pictures of the youngest WHW runner (or at least passenger)? ;-)