Saturday, 1 December 2007

Magic minutes

Got all the gals coming round for lunch today, so I've been up since 6.30 acting like a crazy cooking/cleaning lady. Decided to take a breather and go for a wee run. Opted for the one minute on/off session I do round Balloch. Usual route of 4.5 mile (Balloch-Park-Bonhill Bridge-Home). Warm-up to Balloch roundabout and then one minute sprints with one minute recovery. Lost count, but think I did about 9/10. I'm using this route as a gauge to see how my training's going. My first attempt five weeks ago was 36.40 and two weeks ago was 35.34. My aim was to get it under 35 mins before Christmas. My legs feel a bit stiff today, so I was utterly surprised to finish in 34.15. Woohoo. Big tick.

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