Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Take two

As I had a club committee meeting this evening, I had to squeeze in my seven (ish) mile tempo beforehand. Decided to give the Knightswood route we did last Thursday another bash. Last week we ran it as a tempo - 2 miles steady, 3 miles at 10K and the rest easy. I felt that I could have ran that harder, so going out at my new-found pace would be a good comparison.

When I left the Garscube Estate there was another running club in front of me. They kept slowing and looking round at me, as if they had left someone behind. Thankfully they turned down another street, and I followed on to Anniesland. Managed to keep marathon pace up to Knightswood and then picked up the pace to Lincoln, down to Danes, past Victoria Park and up to Anniesland. The last mile up to the Garscube Estate is our equivalent of Boston's Hungry Hill. A lot of our routes finish here. Just when your legs are tired, it's up and up. Nice fast finish down to the end though.

Covered 6.07 miles in my 10K PB time (0.6m faster than last Wednesday's tempo). Finished route in 50:21 (last week 55:43, although we did more of a recovery up last mile). Pace was 7.58 (last week 8.43). First time I've broken the eight minute barrier.

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