Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Early morning seven-miler

Up at 6am to get my miles in, as I'm off to Manchester today. I've never been one for early morning runs. I always find them quite tough on still sleepy muscles, but I'd feel really guilty if I missed a run. Although I had already dropped the run from nine miles to seven before I'd left the house, so I'm not that conscientious. Anyway, I wasn't overly worried about pace. If I hit faster than marathon pace, then I'd be quite happy.

Quite a windy start and surprisingly quite muggy, so my perceived effort was probably higher than the pace. Started out slow and picked up the pace to half-marathon after the first mile. Aimed to finish flat out - to prepare me for fast finish in races.

Nothing exciting to report. Finished my seven mile route in 57:08. (PB 55.57, so a bit slower)

Splits for miles 9:17, 8:39, 7:58, 8:02, 8:05, 8:06, 6:57. Average pace 8:15.

1 comment:

Marco Consani said...

You forgot to mention why you are away to Manchester... Spice girl wannabe!!!
