Thursday, 27 September 2007

A dreary seven

Marco was in London today, so I went to training myself. I did think he was away working, but he texted me this afternoon to say he'd just won the climbing wall competition %-) Apparently my sympathy for him having to get the red-eye was totally unjustified, as he was actually away on an office jolly.

Anyway, someone in the family has to stick to the armed with a few extra layers, I went along for the seven mile pack run. The route was the most unimaginative ever. Top gate to Anniesland, St Georges and back along Maryhill Road. Basically the reverse of what we did a few weeks ago, except we caught the long hills on the up instead of the down. We ran together at a really good steady pace. I was pleased, as I've struggled to keep up with the 'faster' gals over the past few weeks. The hill up from St George to Maryhill was challenging to say the least. Still feeling really good on the hills though. Finish in 58mins.

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