Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Day one of Coach Lesley's training

I don't think Lesley expected my to start the day with a 5.30am rise and gym session...but really wanted to keep my rowing and strenth conditioning work up. Half hour on the rowing machine (5620m), abs and leg weights. Was pretty rushed, as I had to make a meeting in Edinburgh later in the morning.

Six mile run after work. Started with one mile warm-up, followed by approx three miles at half-marathon pace - 8 min mile. One mile easy and last mile flat out...well, as flat out as my tired legs could take me. Traffic lights outside Vale of Leven hospital to the house in 4:22. Aim to get it under four by the end of the month.

Feeling pretty good. No injuried..hips and groin OK.

1 comment:

Marco Consani said...

Go for it wee wifey!!!! :-)
i'm proud of you.