Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Oi, Dario! Where's my goblet?

We were more shocked than you are. Trust me.


Marco Consani said...

Don't you think they look like runners legs. 20 years from now those legs are gonna beat Jez's record... ;-)


John Kynaston said...

Congratulations!! When is the baby due? Need some more info than 'we were shocked'


Anonymous said...

Cogratulations to both of you, but Debs dont you think thats a bit of an exreme way to get out of next years race !!!

Davie said...

What do you mean get out of next years race? The "in" thing is to train through pregnancy! Debbies not ill, Mike!
Congratulations U 2. From the looks of that foto there's a support driver in there! All that's missing is the steering wheel.

Davie said...

What do you mean get out of next years race? The "in" thing is to train through pregnancy! Debbies not ill, Mike!
Congratulations U 2. From the looks of that foto there's a support driver in there! All that's missing is the steering wheel.

Anonymous said...

WOW! indeed!!!!

I've just text Mrs pacepusher in Malawi as soon as I saw the post!

Congratulations, you'll make a great Mum and Dad!

I'll have a celebratory beer for you at the weekend... actually no, this is big news I'll have one now!

However, I feel that this is no excuse for Sonic's missing WHWR report!

Stephen Mulrine said...

Congratulations! I was going to suggest striking while the iron was hot and installing a teeny-tiny treadmill and pair of Sauconys... but everyone knows treadmill miles don't count.

Tim said...

I was going to say "Wow!" but Neal beat me to it. ;-)

I'll settle for "Fantastic news" and "Congratulations!". It seems like forever ago that I was peering at the scans of our children in utero (well, about 18 & 20 years ago in fact) but I still remember the excitement.

Regarding next year's WHW, a lot of female athletes do very well training and racing after childbirth (something to do with increased blood volume) so don't rule out next year's race.

Anonymous said...


i am sorry but you must return goblet asap. Under race rules you are not allowed to be accompanied until auchtertyre farm. you clearly were accompanied as your photographic evidence shows. please destroy the certificate i sent out yesterday......

Debs M-C said...

Dario - When I received the certificate I said I was going to destroy it anyway. I want it to say "Debbie Martin-Consani + 1" Te he. Thanks again for your email and training advice. I promise to behave.

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