Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Jogging, coach, wedding..ooh and driving :-(

We're off to a wedding today - I know, on a TUESDAY - so I went for an early morning five-miler round Balloch. It was raining, so much fresher than is has been for days. It will come as no surprise that I took it easy. Back for 8.30am - time to boot Sonic's a*s out the door. Well, if I can't run, then he's going to have to do it for. And he's not going to blog, then I'll do that for him. What a team. Unfortunately he's got the joy of having me as a coach for the foreseeable future.

Sonic's alternative blog report: He ran and I cycled along beside him. I've talked him into focusing on effort levels rather pace. So an easy four-miler at 7/10 effort and then some reps round the circuit in Christie Park. 6 x (approx) 400 metres. 1.17, 1.16, 1.17, 1.17, 1.22 (told him to steady up and save energy for the last one) and 1.15.

Here's a pic of us in our wedding gear...

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