Sunday, 18 May 2008

Women's 10K

Well, today was a harsh reminder that I simply can't do everything. I started off well, but wilted after the third mile. Struggled a bit in the middle, but managed to recover. I'm not one for rhyming off excuses, so I'm not going to. I'm not even going to say I used it as a training run, as I really did give it my best shot. All's not lost though, as it was my fastest Women's 10K. I'm not going to dwell on it though, as on the grand scale of things it's so not important.

Unofficial time was 47.57. I've run faster 10Ks in training runs!

Splits 7.15, 7.21, 7.31, 8.00, 8.07 (see what I mean?) 7.37, 7.16 (average 7.38)

Well done to all the Garscube gals. There were some storming PBs in there. Big congrats to Caroline - who took 1 min and 20 secs off her PB. Even after the Troon 10K last week and a WHW run yesterday. I take it back, Caroline, go for Edinburgh. You've definitely got your mojo back!


ianbeattie1 said...

Debs - as you say not one to worry about. Your main target is clearly the WHW race, and it is very hard (in fact completely unrealistic) to combine the speed training needed for a 10k with the endurance needed for the WHW. At least you took part - I've watched it a few times and think it is a fantastic event. And well done to Caroline - she was flying yesterday, so not too surprised by her great time. Ian

Anonymous said...

Thanks Debs! I have loved my weekend and am looking forward to Edinburgh now. I have also decided that I definately want to do the Devil of the Highlands next year!

Subversive Runner said...

Don't beat yourself up Debs, as Ian says above, with the WHW a few weeks away your body is tuned into the long game rather than the short fast one. I did the same two years ago at the Dorking 10 mile race. Just couldn't get myself moving and finished in 77:19.

Brian Mc said...

I'd not be too disheartened either. Treat it as a short training run.

Hope you enjoyed the empty!

Rachel Jayne Stevenson/Rogers said...

Hey Deb

You've got nothing to prove after your amazing Balloch-Clydebank and London times. It's pretty amazing you did the womens 10k at all!