Tuesday, 13 May 2008

The short report

Another low-mileage speed session tonight. Short reps were on the Garscube schedule. The length of short, medium and long reps really depends on which coach you're out with. It could be anything from 50-650 metres. We were lumbered with Jill - just kidding, poppet. Jill and I spend a lot time mocking each other, so it's always a riot. I got the upper hand when she took us on a detour over a grassy field and she ended up face down. You can't buy that kind of entertainment. Yikes. Best be nice, as she's on my support team for the WHWR.

Tonight's session was brilliant. We headed up to Dawsholm Park. Unfortunately, Maryhill Harriers had the same idea. As we were doing our 150(ish) sprints we had to dodge out the way of their long circuits. Sonic will be happy to learn that the super-fast guy who runs with his dog had decided to train with Maryhill.

After seven sets were jogged round the trails for a mile or so, before hitting some steps. Yippee a few step reps. My fave. Then we headed along to the Kelvin Walkway from from downhill 100m sprints. So all in all a great variation of short reps on a glorious sunny night. I've got no idea of times and distance, as I just set my Garmin to go. 4.6 miles all in.

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