Thursday, 11 December 2008


The midget is head down, so the breech drama is over. Phew! The world can start spinning again. Well, as long as the baby doesn't spin back :-) To say I have been obsessed would be an understatement. I've spent the last two weeks swimming, on my hands and knees or hugging a gym ball. I even went for acupuncture last week. It's a non-invasive treatment called moxibustion, which basically involved lighting cigar-like sticks under the small toes. Bizarre, I know. But at the first session the baby was doing somersaults. And the next day, my ribs became a kick-bag. The acupuncturist gave me a stick to take home, to repeat the treatment every evening. Let's just say the scent was less than pleasant. Sonic and I have been high for a week. I'm surprised our neighbours haven't phoned the drug squad. As Sonic falls into the left-brained-everything-must-have-a-scientific-explanation, he's unconvinced. But hey, this form of Chinese medicine for breech babies has a high success rate. And as our baby is head down and ready for action, I'm not even slightly concerned how it got there.

The midwife confirmed the good news yesterday. Really I don't know how they can tell the different body parts, just by prodding about. It all feels like a hard football to me. She did say the baby had a really hard butt though. So that's where my buns of steel went :-) She also said it's highly unlikely the baby will turn back, as first-timers have tight stomach muscles to hold it in place.

On another note, I have to mention my blogging buddies who are suffering from "man-flu". Pah! And this is why men don't have babies. The video makes me giggle everytime.


N.D. said...

Yay! I'm glad the warrior flipped the right way!!! : )

graeme reid said...

Actually Debs, the reason why men don't have babies is a whole different issue. When a mummy and daddy love each other very much...................... Ok so you probably worked all that bit out already!
Graeme (Running Dad)

Rachel Jayne Stevenson/Rogers said...

Well done that baby.
I love that ad. Has me laughing every time!

Billy said...

That's great. My wife Gulshen is a week ahead of you and hers turned last week, so almost exactly the same timing. We hadn't thought of your radical turning technique though. When I first read your post, I was wondering "how do you know where the baby's toes are?"...Doh!

Your video is very true. I think us blokes are genetically programmed to leave pain to the experts. Actually, there was a programme on telly last night about a bloke in America giving birth! Yikes, I hope that doesn't catch on...

Clare said...

yay for baby flipping! and that video is hilarious...i'm waiting to show my husband until he's sick on the couch. god forbird he have a cold while i'm in labor!

Davie said...

You women just don't understand.....

By the way, I live on tonic water, only cramp when I forget it!

Brian Mc said...

Haha funny video, but I have to say, all you gals must be hanging out with some pretty woosy guys! :-)

Man cold? Any cold? Pah, just get on with it. :-)

Great stuff about the baby turning, although I'm with sonic on the chinese whiffy stuff treatment explanation. You did too many other things simultaneously to be sure of its effect.

John Kynaston said...

Great to read the baby has turned Debs. Hope everything goes smoothly from here on!


Thomas said...

Debs, great news. Well done!

Marco Consani said...

Great news indeed. Those stinky cigar thing were making my eyes stream and my nose all runny. I felt I needed a day in my bed to rest after doing all that hard work. Bah, and woman think they have it hard.. They know nothing..

