Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Bump pictures

With just a few weeks to go, here's the state of progress.

At my final hospital check-up on Monday, the midwife told me I was lucky as my stomach was all baby. I didn't quite realise it was until I saw the picture below. It looks like I swallowed a rugby ball.

My stomach looks like a bulging circus - I've stratched myself in my sleep, my tattoo is expanding and there's a horrible mark where my narvel piercing was. Still no stretch marks though...yet!

On another note: After chatting with my lovely midwife, Lesley, we discovered that her husband did The Fling this year and is doing it again next year. And he's hoping to go on the reserve list for a WHWR next year. Lesley is part of Jim Robertson's (12 times WHWR finisher) JogScotland group. It's a small world, eh?

Happy Christmas everyone. Hope Santa's good to you. And don't forget to have a wee glass of wine for me. Unless, of course, you're preggers too.


N.D. said...

I look like I ate 3 rugby balls then. You look adorable and you are so tiny. I feel like a meatball.

Davie Bell said...

Your stomach looks like a cyclop Debs :-)

Clare said...

too cute! you'll be flat as a pancake in no time after the critter is born! i'll have that glass of wine for you, no worries!!

Billy said...


Great costume idea at the weekend!

Hope you had a good Christmas. Good luck in the next few weeks!

N.D. said...

Happy January and birth month! 18 days to go, hopefully less. How are you feeling?

Unknown said...

I just came across your blog and wish I would have found it earlier. I too hope to continue running through my pregnancy, so I'll be reading up on your experiences. Thanks for writing about it all!