Friday 7 November 2008

Up with the larks

Nice early start today, as Friday morning gym sessions are now a firm ritual on the exercise schedule. 30 minutes and the elliptical trainer and then 45 mins on the bike.

Sonic asked me last night when Paula Radcliffe gave up running when she was preggers. I failed to see where he made the connection :-) I didn't know the answer but I knew she was still doing quite high mileage. After a bit of search I came across this article in the New York. It's well worth a read. Click here. Basically she was still running the day before she went into labour. Now she really is my superwoman.

Congratulations to my ol' running pals Georgie and Luke, who are expecting their first baby in May. They joined our running club during their brief stunt in Scotland, before returning to Australia. Georgie is another bun-on-the-run, so she'll continue to pound the streets down under.


N.D. said...

Oh I love Paula. THis is a great pic. She is probably 9 months pregnant here and looking so tiny.

N.D. said...

96 miles- whoaaa!!!

Subversive Runner said... your 'bit of a dick' assessment of you know who....stick with your first impression. It sounds about right to me. ;)