Wednesday 5 November 2008

Remember, remember...

There's an expression that is reserved only for the elderly, terminally ill, mentally unstable and the expectant lady: "And how are you keeping?" Usually delivered in a gentile voice and often with a sympathetic held tilt. It cracks me up every time. When did modern society decide that pregnancy should a medical condition or an illness? Really I think it's easier just to get on with it. The more you milk it the harder it will be. I can still run, swim, cycle and walk without the obligatory waddle. It's sitting down that's becoming a bit of a nightmare. My ribs are in agony. On Monday I was seriously contemplating throwing my office chair out of the window. And when I was stuck in a traffic jam on the way home tonight, I was tempted to abandon my car. So the long and short of it is, running is way much easier than sitting.

This morning I started parenting classes (some super PC nut decided to change the name of antenatal classes) which was an experience. As expected, there was a real mixed-bag of bumps in the room. The common denominator was that no one could sit still on the seats. It must have looked worse than a room full of fidgeting toddlers.

I went for a run when I got home from work. Just my usual four mile route. Bonfire night is a fabulous night for the run. There were fireworks going off everywhere. There wasn't a rocket near me though, as all I can manage these days is 11 minute/miles.


Rachel Jayne Stevenson/Rogers said...

So what do they teach you? Curious to know if I've been doing it right;-)

Debs M-C said...

Hey Rach,
It really is just prenatal education. They only renamed it to get Fathers involved. I still won't know how to change a nappy at the end of it.

Clare said...

i hear you on the running (or at least being upright) is way easier than sitting!! when do we get to see a belly picture?