Sunday, 16 November 2008

The heart's willing, but the body aint

I don't know how, but I made it out for a five mile run today. After spending the night with my head down the toilet, I could have easily spent the morning in front of the TV. I wasn't unwell, I just feel quite full and sicky after eating. We were out for dinner last night and I just felt the food wouldn't go down. I didn't overeat (it was just bruschetta and pasta in tomato sauce) and didn't feel particular full but whenever I lay down, I felt the rise. Sorry for the graphics.

I felt way better after going out this morning and getting some fresh air, but I felt out of sorts all day. Even when I went to the cinema with my niece, I didn't indulge in sweets to ease the pain of High School Musical.

Anyway cutting back on my food intake won't do me any harm. The dolphin tattoo on my stomach is expanding at a rapid rate. It will look more like Free Willie by the end of the year :-)

For a giggle, check out the card Sonic's brother found. What are the chances of him finding a card like this? just for the record though, my body's not quite that bad...yet.


Rachel Jayne Stevenson/Rogers said...

I love HSM. She can come and watch HSM 4 with Lucie and I if you want to be spared:-)

N.D. said...

Sorry you aren't feeling well, probably not too much space left in there for food? Great job running 5 miles, that's amazing!!

Davie Bell said...

I don't know about that a case of Tennents and she would look awright :-)