Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Three weeks on...and I don't know where the time has gone.

I haven't quite got round to going for a run yet. I'm thinking about venturing out before the weekend. Does thinking about it count?

In the meantime, here are a few more pictures of Cairn. I promise I'll stop posting baby pictures when I've got something running-wise to chat about :-)


Davie Bell said...

I don't usually see resemblances between babies and parents, but yes a sonic clone if ever I saw one :-)

Clare said...

thinking about it absolutely counts!!! 3 weeks?? yeah, it goes crazy fast. cairn is super cute!

Davie said...

Agree with Davie re looks, but he'll have Mum's nature and brains...... I hope:-)
Great to see you last night looking so well. Don't forget, call for a run any time JR and I always looking for company.

Subversive Runner said...

Keep the pictures coming, Debs!!

Silke said...

Definitely agree with the resemblance. That was the 1st thing we thought when we looked at the photos! He might even have the same fast legs as his father!:-)
Good to hear from you again.

Davie said...

Het Debs, I've linked to your website from my Blog, why don't you post newest pics there? That way my wife will stop looking at my running blog with all my secrets and stick to what she does best, Awwww and Awww looook s

N.D. said...

time is flying-i am in the same boat!
he is precious!