Saturday, 17 January 2009

Jack Crawford 10K

Well done to everyone who completed the blustery course.

Sonic finished 16th in 36:12. He was quite dissappointed as he got his PB (34:48) in this race last year...but I slapped him round the heid and told him to get over himself.


Rachel Jayne Stevenson/Rogers said...

Nigel Barge? Are you sure!!!

Debs M-C said...

Doh! Well spotted, Rach. My brain's not what it used to be :-)

Marco Consani said...

Rach, She was too busy slapping me around the heid to notice what race it was... ;-)


Rachel Jayne Stevenson/Rogers said...

And this is just the start!

N.D. said...

HOw ya doing??? Today is DDAY!!! I like how it says time left: bambino consani. No counting down