Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Chickened out

I was considering going out for another run at lunchtime today, but I just couldn't talk myself into it. The 99% effort required to get out the door, could not be coaxed. I did, however, go to the gym. 30 mins on the elliptical trainer and then a bit of half-hearted weights.

Whilst on the trainer there was a rather large chap on the machine next to me, who clearly didn't know there was a fine line between macho and heart failure. He was really going at it. Had it right up on level 12, compared to my feeble level 7. He was gasping, going purple and was sweating all over the place. I mean POURING sweat. To make matters worse his ipod was up so loud I could hear the hissing of his music - which is probably my number one bug bear. If it wasn't so comical I would have pushed him off.

Just looking round the gym you can spot the difference between men and women. The guys are on the cusp of personal injury and the gals think a hard-core work out is walking on a treadmill. Now, I'm all for physical exercise for health reasons, but there's got to be a sensible approach to it. This is not a funny story, so try not to laugh. Little super-endurance runner, Sharon, is very much an early morning runner. So much so, that she is a regular sight for the local workies. One white-van man was so inspired by her he told her he was taking up running because of her. Anyway he started out on a treadmill. And died on the bloody thing. I kid you not. I said don't laugh!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm not doing the Paisley 10km as doing Bridge of Orchy to Beinglass with John on Sunday and I was never going to do the half the next week as knew I would not be ready!

Made your mind up on which marathon yet?

See you soon hopefully

RunningMama said...

Totally true about men vs. women. My husband is typical male...killing himself at every work out and then very confused as to why he's been injured 4 times in the past 9 months.