Monday, 13 April 2009

Little Sonic on Conic

A little jaunt up Conic Hill is becoming a bit of a bank holiday tradition. This time we had Cairn - enjoying his first hill walk. Well at least it was his first hill walk in the outside world. He was so underwhelmed by it all, he practically slept the whole journey.

The Bank Holiday Conic Hill dash is becoming a tradition for Team Kynaston too, as we bumped into them en route - for the third time. We're not stalking you. Honest!

I'm looking for a half marathon in June/July. Most of them seem to be on June 21, which are out because of the WHW race. I'm contemplating Girvan or Stonehaven halfs. Has anyone done either or have any suggestions for alternatives?

1 comment:

N.D. said...

aww he's a cutie!!