Thursday, 4 November 2010

Who's up for the Marcothon 2010?

This all started in 2009, when Marco (aka Sonic) challenged himself to run every day in November. As my wee Granny would say, I “can’t see green cheese”, so I decided to follow suit and run every day in December. I posted the challenge – and dubbed it the Marcothon - on Facebook and on my blog and before I knew it there was a group of runners equally eager to embrace the winter conditions of December 2009. And they were tough conditions!

The rules are simply, you must run every day. Minimum of three miles or 25 minutes – which ever comes first. The challenge starts on December 1 and finishes on December 31. And yes, that includes Christmas Day.

It's not a competition. Just a personal challenge or an incentive to burn off a few mince pies. So, who’s up for it the Marcothon 2010?

Join the gathering of Marcothonians on Facebook


Nick said...

Hi Debbie,

We would love to talk to you about our sports product community. We put large emphasis on running and we're all about helping athletes and sportsmen and women find the right product to boost their performance. We're completely neutral and want to help people in their product search. It would be great to talk to you.

"e Brutto" said...

The original Marco pledge inspired me to do my own 60 minutes minimum until I felt over trained, which was 13 days.
It did get my resting heart rate down to 40 ish still a flabby 15% though.
Done my bit for while a good strategy if a serious runner, thanks.

neet2neet said...

Me! Me! Me! I am a Marcothonian!! Building up to the seven days a week adding an extra day every week!!