Thursday 4 February 2010

Track attack and other tales

On Monday night I went along to the new track at Scotstoun with the club. Wow! What a difference. The track that is, not my running ability. It's really smart and all lovely. I had curtail my excitement and refrain from commenting on what a lovely colour of blue I thought the surface was.

There's even a brand spanking new indoor track. Well it's more a row of lines than a track. But it was obviously reserved for the ridiculously fast youngsters and their up-their-own-arses coaches.

I was running a bit late - drama of Sonic being stuck in a car park - and was bursting for the loo when I arrived, so didn't have much of a warm-up. I joined Kas for a quick jog round the circuit and nervously asked what the session was: "Two times three thousands" was the reply. I nearly ran back off the track. Slight misunderstanding, as Coach Lesley clarified that is was in fact 3 x 1000 (50 sprints) and another set of 3 x 1000. I don't know how, but her version sounded a little less brutal.

I joined (ex) Captain Stevie (otherwise known as Big Stevie) who was once a track runner in his hay day. Even though he has slowed throughout the years, he can still whip my ass. But I hung on for dear life.

I'm not overly familiar with track etiquette or rules, so I always end up getting in someone's way. I stopped dead at the end of one of my reps, and nearly got taken out by John the Jogger. Well, I would have got taken out if he wasn't the shape and weight of a greyhound. He's such a nice guy, he even apologised to ME!

Anyway, here are the scores on the door. 4:30, 4:33, 4:29, 4.28, 4:33. Not sure about the 50m sprints, as Stevie was judging the (slightly dubious) distances and times.

On Tuesday lunchtime I did a steady/easy 7 mile run (ave 8:55). I was having a VERY stressful house selling/buying day, so it was a real struggle to get out of the door.

Yesterday morning, I did 8 x 500m. Bloody nora was it cold! 1:48, 1:49, 1:47, 1:45, 1:44, 1:45, 1:44 and 1:43.

Tonight I'm off to the club. Not sure what the roads will be like, as there was a mega snow drop overnight. Bearsden is in a different climate zone from the city centre, so I'll have to wait and see. Sonic is in London town today, but Mama Sonic is looking after the HurriCairn for an hour or so. I bet she does more running around than I do :-) I'm going to the club for a rest :-)


John Kynaston said...

Some good sessions this week. The new track does look good.

But you still haven't told us whether you have decided between the Fling and LM yet?????

I lie in bed at night worrying about it!

Make a decision.


Thomas said...

John, Cairn mentioned to me that he did not want his mum to run in London. Well not his exact words, but I think that's what he meant.


Brian Mc said...


And I agree, a lovely shade of blue.