Monday 14 March 2011

There's an old saying that goes...

If you want to run faster, you have to, erm, run faster. Simples? Well, these days I've been running slower and getting faster. Go figure.

I generally run 5/6 days a week and include a swim session mid-week. Friday is my beloved rest day. I do an easy/steady run on Tuesday and Thursday and weekend runs are as they say on the tin: long and slow. Now I reserve my effort for the spped sessions I do on a Monday and Wednesday. Focusing on two days really seems to be working for me. There's a little bit of zip in my happy-plodding pins.

Here are a few examples. Some of you speedsters may snigger, but this is good for me.

MJ's Wednesday session:8 mins (90 sec rec), 4 x mins (60 sec rec) and 8 mins: 7.08, 6.51, 6.51. 6.32, 6.27 and 6.52

Club Monday fartlek: 3mins, 4mins, 5 mins, 3mins, 4 mins, 5 mins: 6.58, 6.39, 6.53, 6.40, 6.57, 7.00

MJ's Wednesday session: 5 x 5mins (75 sec rec) 6.58, 6.47, 6.44, 6.47, 7.01

So basically by running slower, I'm running the fastest I have have ever run. But guess what? In two weeks time, I'll be back to square one. Simples?


Marco Consani said...

Haven't I been trying to tell you that for the last 3 years?
Glad you have listened to something I say. Finally. ;-)

Santababy said...

no snigger in this corner, but then i'm a wee snail next to you!

Unknown said...

Very evenly balanced week.

Thomas said...

Bruce Fordyce (multiple Comrades winner and former world record holder over 100 km) said whenever his speed increased (after the high mileage training he did for the Comrades) he was in fact getting ready for the race.

In other words: you are getting into perfect shape Debs for the 100k!

Anonymous said...

Those are impressive times deb well done...I am running slower...and errrr slower!