Despite feeling a little rough on Sunday morning (must have been Thomas' cooking!?) I still felt quite up for a long run. Sonic and Euan had been out from 7am, so it was after 9am before I started my run. I'm sure Cairn is starting to feel like a relay baton. My aim was 14 miles, but I would have been happy with 10. After a few miles (all up hill) I got into my stride and was really enjoying the country run on a lovely Autumn morning. I went for the 14 mile (Balloch horseshoe, Croftamie rd, Gartocharn, horseshoe, Balloch) and finished in 1:59 with average pace of 8:33

I took Monday off, as I had a lot of work to do. And on Monday night we went to see Billy Connelly at the SECC. What an outstanding evening that was. I even managed to sneak a bit of footage - but I'm struggling to upload it just now. It is not for the easily offended. Or obese for that matter.
On Tuesday I did 800m reps* round the Squiggley Bridge - only in Glasgow would you get bridges officially called the Squiggley and Squinty Bridge. Wednesday was a 8-mile tempo** run. And last night I was out with the club.
Tomorrow I'm joining the Glee club for a WHW run. Tyndrum to Beinglas and back, which is about 25-26 miles. Can't wait, as the weather looks perfect. Hopefully I'll be home in time for X-Factor and Sonic will have made my dinner ready and chilled a bottle of wine. Hey a girl can dream.
One of the funniest (baring in mind I have a sick sense of humour) things I read this week was one the hacks in my office's facebook status "...police can comfirm that Louis Walsh received a letter stating that for every week John and Edward stay in X-Factor, a Boyzone member will die."
Surely the little annoyances that they are will leave tomorrow night? The only saving grace is that at least some talented didn't get booted last week instead. Stacey to win!! Or possibly Danyl. Or maybe Lucie or Joe.
Anyway, whilst I'll be kicking back and watching X-factor Ian and Aileen will be running round and round a track again and again and again. They're participating in the Self Transcendence 24 hour race in Tooting. Yep that's 24 hours of running round a TRACK in London. I know, WTF?
* 800m 2:56, 2:59, 2:56, 2:57
** 8 mile temp 8:22, 8:26, 8:13, 7:27, 7:24, 7:18, 7:07, 7:16. Total 1:01:36. Ave 7:38
Hope you are holding that chilled bottle of wine next to your knee!
When are you getting Garscube XC socks?
Aileen was booting round the track when we left. It was feckin'cold. Ian is tucked up in bed now, and you and me both, Deb...WTF?
It was painful to witness. You need to be a machine to do that track stuff over 24 hours.
Re: FB and alcohol....I invited Topher to the Hardmoors one night after a glass or two of wine. It's a social networking international distribution of race knowledge. It's all good!
I'm tucked up in my bed but as usual after these runs I canKt sleep, so am reading blogs and comments on my Blackberry. Dave is in the next room posting these comments. Wtf? Hardly subversive behaviour from either of us, is it? :)
I'm tucked up in my bed but as usual after these runs I canKt sleep, so am reading blogs and comments on my Blackberry. Dave is in the next room posting these comments. Wtf? Hardly subversive behaviour from either of us, is it? :)
Debs, nice running - You're terribel !
I am now on a mission to invite someone !
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