Monday, 17 June 2013

What a difference a day makes

When I should have been writing my race report and not faffing about on goggle, I stumbled across this fascintating - yet somewhat useless - list of what happens in the space of 24 hours. A random list of what can be achieved - or lost - in our bodies, lives and the universe in 24 hours.

Putting this into the perspective of a 24-hour runner, I can guarantee there will be more than 8000 steps, more than 1.2 pints of sweat lost and hearts will beat faster 100,000 times.  And after being on a 24-hour course, I can confirm there's certainly more than 17oz of flatulence released!

Still, I can't believe 200m were having sexual intercourse while I'm running around in circles.  Although, during my next race, I'll take time to think about the women delivering the 371,000 babies before I start moaning about any discomfort.
  • 40,000 trees are cut down just to make paper bags and another 27,000 to make toilet paper.
  • We will each laugh 15 times.
  • We will kiss on average 3 times, exchanging 30 million bacteria.
  • The UK’s national debt will grow by £446,575,342.
  • Your heart beats around 100,000 times.
  • The average worker worldwide will earn £11.
  • Oprah Winfrey earns £650,00.
  • A mayfly lives its entire life.
  • Your blood travels 168,000,000 miles and your kidneys will filter 3,000 pints of blood – enough to fill three quarters of a phone box.
  • A single blood cell will make more than 4,300 full circuits of the body.
  • Your pet moggie will nap for 17 hours.
  • 200m people worldwide will have sexual intercourse.
  • 371,000 babies are born 
  • An astronaut on the International Space Station sneezes 100 times (the weightlessness of space means dust doesn’t settle but floats around getting up their noses.)
  • You take approximately 20,000 breaths and inhale more than 2600 gallons of air.
  • You will release around 17 oz of flatulence.
  • 93,000 rats are born in London alone.
  • 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct, due to environmental damage.
  • The average person takes around 8,000 steps.
  • 250 hedgehogs are killed on British roads.
  • A goldfish forgets who it is 28,000 times due to their 3-second memory
  • A bat eats around 1,000 insects.
  • One billion gallons of water will tumble over Niagara falls.
  • 3,560 people will take their driving test but only 1,389 will pass
  • We will each lose 1.2 pints of sweat.
  • There will be 7,200 earthquakes in the world and more than 18,000 thunderstorms.
  • Earth will be hit by lightning more than 8.6 million times
  • 820,000 portions of fish and chips will be scoffed.
  • 2.3 million people will eat a can of Heinz baked beans – enough to fill Wembley Stadium more than 25 times.
  • 2,040 homes are broken into in the UK.
  • The average person will spend 12 minutes in the shower.
  • Up to 50 trillion cells die and are replaced in the human body.
  • We each spend 20 minutes on the toilet.
  • More than 5,500 mobile phones are stolen in Britain.
  • 30,000 ants will be gobbled up by a South American Giant Anteater.
  • More than 17,250 websites get hacked.
  • 5,760 cars are broken into.
  • 100,000 taste buds in your mouth are replaced and three pints of saliva are produced.
  • 240 women in the UK are arrested for violence.
  • Oil giant Shell makes a profit of £38,400,000.
  • Your hair grows by 0.01715 inches but you lose between 40 and 100 strands.
  • We will each speak around 48,000 words.
  • The UK produces enough waste to fill the Albert Hall 12 times over.
  • Women spend 298 minutes gossiping with friends.
  • 20m meteors will be visible in the sky.
  • In the UK we throw away 20 million slices of bread, 600,000 whole uncooked eggs and 1.2 million untouched sausages.
  • The Metropolitan Police spend £350,000 protecting royals, diplomats and VIPs.
  • 24 unwanted dogs are put down in the UK.
  • Your body gives off enough heat to bring 24 gallons of water to the boil.
  • 24 crimes will be committed INSIDE British police stations.
  • Comet Hale-Bopp puts out 21 million tons of gas and dust – 50 times more than most comets.
  • 15bn cigarettes are sold around the world and 2,880 people die of lung cancer.
  • A Hummingbird will consume half of their weight in food daily.
  • A hurricane can release enough energy to supply all of our electrical needs for six months.


Martin said...

What a Race Report !
Tkanks for something complete different


ultra collie said...

best thing i've read for ages..must share! cheers debs..hope you're on track for lakeland :-)..not long now!

Anonymous said...

I like this one Debbie, 86,400 seconds in a day. Make every one count :) x