Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Plans for 2013

The first race didn't go to plan, as the Gloucester 50K on January 20 was cancelled because of the bad weather.    Not a great start to the year, as I'd like to think I was in good shape for a 50K...she says from the comfort of a keyboard ;-).  Thankfully the race organisers made the decision to cancel on the Friday, so we didn't actually waste the weekend by travelling down there.  Unfortunately we lost everything -  race entry, hotel, flights and car hire.  On a plus note, we didn't have the same horrendous conditions (first time ever!) so I managed to fit in some quality back-to-back long runs.

The plan for Team Consani is pretty full-on for 2013.   Trying to organise a family holiday around our race schedule is a joke. Of course you don't want to go on holiday too close to a race (for training/tapering reasons) and you don't want to go too close after a race.   It's not great going on holiday when you look and feel like a car crash.  I learned this after going to Madeira the week after my first 24 hour race.  

As Cairn starts school this summer and we will be at mercy to the academic calendar, the October week is the only time we could agree on.

So, here's how the Consani family calendar is shaping up for 2013

March 23 Thames Path 100 (DM-C)
March 31 Anglo Celtic Plate 100K - representing Scotland (Sonic)
April 27 HOKA Highland Fling 53 mile trail race (Sonic)
May 11 24-hour World Champs in the Steenbergen (DM-C)
June 14 I've got Sonic's Sister's hen holiday in Lisbon, Portugal.  Hot weather training :-)
June 22 West Highland Way Race (Sonic)
July 6 - family break in North Wales which just happens to coincide with the IAU Trail World Champs.
July 27  Montane Lakeland 100 (DM-C)
August Cairn starts school, so that will curtail race weekends away
September 29- Loch Ness Marathon (both)
October holiday at Club la Santa.  Although, I'm sure holidays are supposed to be about R&R....


Anonymous said...

This looks pretty full-on......

Most folk build up gradually to a marathon, being their longest race. For you guys the marathon is the shortest, having already done an assortment of biggies beforehand! Crazy, or what? ;-)


Johann said...

That is some schedule! All the best for a great 2013!

ultra collie said...

hope to see you in july debbie

Antonia said...

I'm not a stalker... but I will be in Lisbon in the middle of June too. So if you think you're being followed when you are out jogging there then you probably are! Sounds like a great year though and all the best with the plans :)