Some exciting news: I've got a lovely new sponsor in the form of
It's the retail division of the very successful online resource centre and - as you may have worked out - specialises in ultra running products, clothing, gear and equipment. Everything has been designed with the long distance athlete in mind and focuses on the specific needs and requirements of trail and ultra runners.
The products include running backpacks, race vests, waist bags, waist belts, hydration bottles, waist packs, handheld bottles and running shorts with patented mesh pockets. The ULTRAmarathonRunningStore is the exclusive UK supplier/distributor of ultra-specific products from innovative manufacturers UltrAspire and RaceReady.
Sonic spent months trying to find a pair of shorts with two pockets - and here's whole range of them!
Current West Highland Way record-holder, Terry Conway wore the UltrAspire SPRY pack and carried two RACE handhelds when he smashed the course record on Saturday. How's that for celebrity endoresement?
I will be reviewing some of the products over the next couple of months, but please visit ULTRAmarathonRunningStore in the meantime. You also find (and "like") them on Facebook
Love that shop - had a look t'other day and was drooling over various things! Lucky you - another fab sponsor - although luck has nothing to do with it - you work ruddy hard at your running and it's only what you deserve!
i uummed and aaahed for ages in the week leading up to WHW about buying one of these hydration vests and decided it would be silly to try it for first time in race. I really like look though and noticed Terry wore one.i already follow then on twitter and like then on fb :)
Congratulations with the new sponsor! I wish we had a store like that here in South Africa...maybe I can start one...?
Been using the Race Ready shorts for a couple of years now and would recommend them.
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