Thursday, 8 September 2011


Well, that's my last weekend of training done and dusted. Signed off with two very pleasant 20-milers.

On Saturday morning I met with the GM, Emma and Nicola who are training for Berlin and Chester marathon (respectively). Yes, I managed to drag three childless gals out for an early start. Well, with the exception of the GM, who makes larks look like students.

A dull, but flat, out-and-back on the canal. We stayed together for the first few miles and then Emma and Nicola pushed on to do a 13-mile marathon tempo. Thus reminding me why I'm too lazy to run marathons. The GM and I just stayed in our steady groove. With another 20 miler looming, we didn't have the luxury of going all out. That was our excuse and we were sticking to it.

I was so nice to have the GM back in action - and injury free - and it was good to have a proper chat about plans and strategies for the 24 hour race. Although we spent more time discussing outfits for the closing celebration party.

The most entertaining thing about hanging out with the Gibbering Midget, is that she gibbers so much that nothing goes round the brain first. Like when discussing nutrition for the race, she duly informed me she's "right fond of the coke just now". Not quite as priceless as the time she annouced to a packed train "Since the WHWR, I just can't stop bonking. I was even bonking going round Tesco the other day". You could have heard a pin drop. Even over my snorting.

On Sunday morning, I had arrange for Cairn to go to my Mum's for a few hours and I ran the 20-miler down Ayshire way. A very late start for the GM and I, at a very civilised 9am.

I know sometimes the untrained eye can get the GM and I mixed up, but when we rolled up in the matching cars (yes, same make, model and colour) pink Adidas tees, nike sleeves, Gore visor and Brooks Adrenaline trainers, we can't quite understand why. The only difference was I'd swapped the Nathan bottle belt - which I'd used the day before - for a back pack.

So, that's it. No more big runs left. Just a 15-miler this Saturday. I wonder what complaints taperitus will throw at me.

I've got my post-race active recovery sorted out. Treated myself to a new road bike. It was in the sale, so it was practically free. Hopefully I should have it by the end of the week.

My Ironman quest starts next month. I might have made a dent in it by 2020.


John Kynaston said...

Training all done ... have a good taper and we are really looking forward to supporting you at Llandudno.

Nice bike ... we'll have to go for a ride together!

ultra collie said...

the gm talk is so funny..perfect comedy act! enjoy your taper and look forward to more infamous gm quotes!

Tim said...

"It was in the sale, so it was practically free". LOL! Love it.;-)

Enjoy your new bike and have a great time in Wales.

Kaz said...

I thought I had posted last night but obviously not. Like the bike - nice choice ;) I've discovered that the seat is comfy up to 40 miles, thereafter, the butt complains a tad! Best of luck for Wales - you'll do fab!

Anonymous said...

Just bought similar bike on cyclescheme so again practically free. My sights way lower than ironman, as in managing not to fall off bike.

Anonymous said...

practically free like my new garmin eh? lol :-D good luck for your taper.