Monday, 31 January 2011

Ultra-running: For fat people who can't run very fast? Indeedy

Thanks to Murdo for sending me this. Made me right giggle, so it did. And saved me actually writing a proper post.


Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm just the messenger.......It was sent to me by an even more magnificent ultra runner than I'll ever aspire to be!

Murdo t M

SlowTransRunning said...

Fat and slow with a high boredom threshold works for me


Debs M-C said...

Good for me too. I'm too lazy to run fast. Oh and there's the obvious lack of talent :-)

Anonymous said...

Only giggle? I fell off my chair several times - thats nearly as good as Marco's rollers!

Keith Hughes said...

I run ultra marathons because they are incredibly hard and rewarding and I like to shit outdoors.. LMFAO..

neets next mara said...

the ultra runner looks like marco! lol