Monday 26 October 2009

Refreshingly hilly

I didn't need to look out the window to assess the weather situation. I could hear it trying to put the windows in. Perfect for exercising the what-doesn't-kill-you-makes-you-stronger theory. The wind was howling and the rain was torrential, but I was still looking forward to my long run with Sharon. It was in her neck of the woods, so she was in charge of route choice. Something which she described as "refreshingly hilly". She added to my sceptecism by saying: "you will have forgiven me by the downhill finish". Highly unlikely consdering she lives at the top of a big bloody hill.

The weather hadn't improved any by the time we set out. Considering the conditions, I had pushed the boat out and put on my snazzy arm-warmers. Sharon, on the other hand, had on more layers than a pass-the-parcel prize.

The all-road route was indeed "refreshing hilly". 1500ft of ascent actually. Same on the descent though, but it never seems to balance out does it. The wind was pretty fierce and the rain had turned the roads into rivers, but it didn't dampen our spirits.

Heading towards the final ascent, Sharon warned me to "take in easy going up, it's longer than your think". No sh*t. I remember hanging out (basically loitering) at the foot of the hill in my younger years. At time it looked like a mountain. Actually it was the bottom of said hill that Sharon and I first met. Little did we know that 20 years later we'd be racing each other up it.

17 miles. Ave 8:56.

Congratulations to John and Lesley on the (somewhat delayed) arrival of little Alexandra. Another running thoroughbred. Although her genes are a little faster than Cairn's genes. Mummy runs a 36m 10K and Daddy jogs round in 32. Watch this space.

Also congratulations to Brother Sonic who got through the auditions for Total Wipe-Out. He's off to Argentina next month. I'll keep you posted when it's on the TV. Unless, of course, he gets wiped out in the first round :-)

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