Thursday 4 December 2008

Another song dedication

This one is from Rachel

"This is a song for my friend Debs who is expecting her 1st baby in January. Song dedications and soundtracks for the birth have already been posted. This is just a wee song that was sent to me today. All I can really say to Debs is:- even though you think you will never say these will!!!!;-)"

I'm not sure this woman actually takes a breath...

The Mom Song from Northland Video on Vimeo.


  1. Do you not say all those things to Sonic on a daily basis anyway?

  2. Yeh, along with a few bad words!

  3. eeek. For a moment I thought I had gone home early... ;-)


  4. Yikes!!! I say almost all that stuff to my 15 year old fact I'm looking at my watch now and wondering why she's not home....

  5. Hilarious! If only Kirstin and I had the problem of trying to get Eilidh out of bed. If only it wasn't the other way round (... lease sleep I need sleep ... :-))))

    It does appear as if the lady is having oxygne directly pumped into her blood from somewhere. No gasps, no breaths!
