Thursday 21 February 2008

Gone with the wind...

...or should I say back with the wind. After a few weeks of relative calmness, the wind was back with force tonight. I'm sure my training has suffered without the quality resistance.

When we drove through the Garscube Estate the trees were bendy at 90 degree angles. Even the neds on the five-a-side pitches were being blown about like Subbuteo players. Hope they managed to light their fags at half-time OK. Even the "girl's" football looked like they were struggling. Although I'm sure their weight kept them more grounded. I say girls, with tongue firmly in cheek. When I bump in to them in the ladies, it's a multiple choice to work out whether they are animal, mineral or vegetable. And don't even get me started on the ladies' rugby team. Why can't girls be girls? Mind you, I'm sure if my Mother would be horrified if she saw me drinking pints, firing snot rockets and peeing al fresco.

Anyway...Nothing too taxing tonight. Just a six mile tempo. Out with wee Ann, Shauna, John and Stuart (who I have been calling Chris for the last four months). Kept the pace steady along Maryhill, down Scaethorn and up Dorchester. Picked-up the pace along Great Western Road until Botanics. What started as marathon pace ended in seven minute miles. Easy up Queen Margaret Drive, then upped the pace along Maryhill Road until the railway bridge. Steady/easy for 400m and then a hard finish. Finished the six mile run in 51:21 (average pace 8:31). This time includes the warm-up and cool-down. Splits as follows: 9.09, 8.50, 8.05, 8.32, 8.33 and 8.01.

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